The seventh and the second law: The law of attraction and the law of vibration play a very important role in manifesting our wishes and dreams. Every time we are thinking about a wish, we are sending energy to the universe through the thought vibration. And, gradually that thought vibration will amplify a thousand times […]Read More
How to manifest a goal using the Power of Subconscious
Since my childhood, I have tended to spend time in my imaginary world. Whatever realistic imagination I ever did, all are coming true in my life. But it took time, as a young girl I did not know how to channelize the energy for manifesting goals. But after reading books, I got clarity in life. […]Read More
Compare our mind with an iceberg in the ocean. The tip of the iceberg which is visible is only 10% of the iceberg. The rest 90% is under the ocean. We can compare this scenario with our minds too. There are conscious minds and subconscious minds. The 10% is our conscious mind and 90% is […]Read More
Have you ever heard about the Universal Laws? There are 12 of them. 1. Law of Divine Oneness: Every single thing and everyone is connected in this vast universe. So, each of our thought, action, and word affect others on a subconscious level. 2. Law of Vibration: Everything has a unique vibrational frequency. Every thought and feeling […]Read More
According to experts, our mind gets more than 35 thoughts per minute. This is the main reason for distraction. Our mind does not think linearly. Thoughts are always scattered. Now and then different thoughts are arising. Whenever you need to brainstorm or find ideas you can start mind mapping. It a great tool invented by […]Read More
Since time immemorial people are practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness is bringing our awareness to the present moment, right NOW, forgetting the past and the future. Similar to meditation, mindfulness is a very effective way to lower down our random thoughts and bring peace of mind. There is an end number of sensory stimuli that prevent us from being aware of […]Read More
In the yogic culture, People are not supposed to have screen time during eating their meal. They should eat their food being mindful of what they are eating, aware of the taste, smell, texture, and how many times they are chewing. If one can follow this method, they will see the difference in terms of […]Read More
Manifest a Short-Term Goal using the Power of Water Memory
Water has memory. Water is carrying the information of humanity since the beginning. A Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water experiment is very famous. In his experiment, he collected water samples from different places and held them in glasses exposed to different words, pictures, and music. Then he froze the water samples and examined the […]Read More
What we focus on, grows. Now, think! What type of thought will you cultivate in the fertile land of your mind? Always remember! What you sow you reap. So, always try to indulge in positive thinking. When we focus on negative thoughts, we are creating a negative reality. Our thought will vibrate and amplify as […]Read More
Since time immemorial people are practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness is bringing our awareness to the present moment, right NOW, forgetting the past and the future. Similar to meditation, mindfulness is a very effective way to lower down our random thoughts and bring peace of mind. Soulful coloring or mindful coloring is one of the relaxing ways […]Read More