The seventh and the second law: The law of attraction and the law of vibration play a very important role in manifesting our wishes and dreams. Every time we are thinking about a wish, we are sending energy to the universe through the thought vibration. And, gradually that thought vibration will amplify a thousand times […]Read More
Tags : manifest your goal
Magic of mind
How to manifest a goal using the Power of Subconscious
Since my childhood, I have tended to spend time in my imaginary world. Whatever realistic imagination I ever did, all are coming true in my life. But it took time, as a young girl I did not know how to channelize the energy for manifesting goals. But after reading books, I got clarity in life. […]Read More
Compare our mind with an iceberg in the ocean. The tip of the iceberg which is visible is only 10% of the iceberg. The rest 90% is under the ocean. We can compare this scenario with our minds too. There are conscious minds and subconscious minds. The 10% is our conscious mind and 90% is […]Read More